As a client of Our Referral Partners, you have access to Washington Brown Depreciation’s exclusive depreciation calculator.
Enter in your property details below to produce an estimate of the likely depreciation deductions available.
Property Depreciation Calculator
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Calculator FAQs
What does this Tax Depreciation Calculator do?
The Tax Depreciation Calculator aims to provide you - the investor - with an estimate of the likely tax depreciation deductions available on certain properties.
How does it work?
Our calculator searches for similar properties across our extensive database and creates an estimate based on these actual properties.
Why is this information useful?
Most investors don’t think about depreciation until after they have purchased a property. Having this information up front helps you make a more informed decision as to which property to buy.
What is so special about this Tax Depreciation Calculator?
Washington Brown’s proprietary Tax Depreciation Calculator is the first calculator to draw on real properties to determine an accurate estimate. It allows you to work out the likely tax depreciation deduction on your next investment property. By factoring this amount into your decision-making, the Tax Depreciation Calculator provides the “missing link” in the property investment equation.
How accurate is this Tax Depreciation Calculator?
As all properties are different, it is difficult to obtain a result that is 100% accurate. However, we believe this calculator is as good as it gets based on current available data on thousands of properties we’ve inspected. As our database expands, so will the amount of properties we have access to. All results in this calculator have been rounded to the nearest thousand.
What types of properties are excluded from the Tax Depreciation Calculator?
The Tax Depreciation Calculator does not include properties that are renovated or ones that are fully furnished as this would lead to an inaccurate result.
How much does it cost to use the Tax Depreciation Calculator?
Our calculator is completely free to use.
This is exactly what I need on my website, how can I organise a link to my site?
Can I use this estimate within my tax return?
No, In order to satisfy the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors guidelines, the property MUST be evaluated by a qualified quantity surveyor. A complete breakdown of plant and equipment must be provided and the capital allowance must be assessed for your individual property.
What does it mean if I press the “Calculate” button and nothing happens?
This means that no properties were found that were similar to your criteria. Contact us for a verbal estimate or alternatively, we can prepare a report on your actual property.
The numbers don’t seem to be correct, what do I do?
Whilst we have tried our best to ensure this data is as accurate as possible, there may be occasional discrepancies when cross-referencing our extensive database. Please send an email to info('at') and we will address your issue as soon as possible.
How have you defined each property category?
Properties have been defined according to the following broad definitions:
- House: Any freestanding residential property
- Unit: A residential strata titled unit in a building with no lift
- Highrise: A residential strata titled unit in a building with a lift
Commercial suite: A strata titled office within a commercial complex of many suites
- Industrial suite: A strata titled industrial unit within a complex of many industrial units
- Industrial building: A wholly owned freestanding industrial building on one title
- Commercial building: A wholly owned freestanding commercial building on one title
- Townhouse: A strata titled residential building up to two levels above ground, the property may be adjoining other units within the complex.
What does the “years” column represent?
Each year represents a full financial year. This calculator provides an estimate of the likely allowances on the basis you are going to settle on that property today. For example, Year 1 represents the amount you can claim over the next 365 days if you purchased a similar property to data you have already entered.
What do the terms Diminishing Value method and Prime Cost method mean?
Both terms refer to the way in which Plant and Equipment is depreciated in accordance with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) guidelines. The Diminishing Value method accelerates the allowances in the earlier years, where as the Prime Cost method evenly spreads the allowances out.
How do I know the age of the property?
In this field we need to know the year construction commenced for your property. If you do not have this information, contact the relevant local council for assistance.