Tax Agent Services
Put your trust in us – we’re registered tax agents!
The introduction of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 has resulted in Quantity Surveyors requiring registration as Tax Agents.
The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS) is a “recognised Tax Agent Association”, enabling full members of the AIQS who have sufficient experience to gain their registration to become Tax Agents.
With over 30 years experience and membership of the AIQS, Washington Brown Depreciation are fully endorsed by the Australian Tax Practitioners Board to be registered tax agents.
Washington Brown is a registered Tax Agent:
- Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) Registered. Tax Agent #26956002
You can verify our membership status on the Australian Governments TPB Register.
The ATO has identified Quantity Surveyors as appropriately qualified to estimate the original construction costs in cases where that figure is unknown.
NOTE: your accountant, real estate agent and property valuer are not qualified to make this assessment in accordance with the ATO.
- Tax Practitioners Board Information Sheet – Written reports incorporating tax agent services (PDF – 114K)
- Tax Practitioners Board Information Sheet – Do valuers need to register as tax agents (PDF – 203K)
Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team should you have any queries.